The United States of America

The United States of America also know as the U.S.A. is a country located in North America. Often criticized by other nations, it is still a young and growing nation that has yet to achieve it's full potential as a Political and Militant Superpower. Sadly, America is not known for it generosity towards other countries (even though it is i.e. WWI, WWII, the Indonesian Tsunami incident, and many more occurrences). On September 11, 2001 The United States of America was subject to several terrorist attacks, killing thousands of people and devastating millions more. America has been fighting to show it's Strength and Independence from the English Empire, beginning in 1763. The U.S.A. won it's independence After winning the Revolutionary War in 1776. Even though America is projected as the 'Monstrosity of the World' is home to many notable Political and Civil Rights activists such as F.D.R. and Martin Luther King Jr. "I leave you, hoping that the lamp of liberty will burn in your bosoms until there shall no longer be a doubt that all men are created free and equal." - Abraham Lincoln God Bless The United States of America
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to The United States of America. Some of the top words include: Earth, patriarchal, Sepo, uppaus, Axis of Evil, and 25 more.